Saturday, September 27, 2008

Funny situation

Author: Dark Angel Shin Junichi

1) Sorry for the late post

A few days ago, at HELP College, I discovered something very particularly funny. Two HELP Security guard "talking". They are not exactly talking but pointing here and there. The first guard point to the other side and the second guard nodded and point to the other side of the area. This is called non verbal. They uses hands gestures. For me, the first guard was ordering the second guard to do something in the area that the first guard is pointing. While the second guard pointed the other side as if to say "how about that area?".

In our lives, there are a lot of non-verbal communications. We see in movies everyday. Eye contacts, body language, facial expressions; these are all nonverbal communications. When you talk to people, you will eventually look at their eyes or facial expressions without us realizing. But non verbal communications are ambiguous. By facial expressions and hands gestures, it is not enough to understand what the person wants.

To conclude, this post is written by:
Ho Koon Hoay

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