Friday, September 19, 2008

Less than Three

Author: DarK FoX

Author's note:
1. I have been busy and have not had time to do a proper blogpost. I do this out of work, not out of passion.

Hey, I have had lots of assignments to do. That will be my excuse, a weak one, but an excuse nonetheless.

Today, I'll be relating 'Relationship Development' and relating it with an analogy. The analogy I will be using is my blog and I.

Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model

This stage is very short, sometimes as short as 10-15 seconds. In this stage, interactants are concerned with making favorable impressions on each other. They may use standard greetings or observe each other's appearance or mannerisms.

So, Mr. M, our Human Communication lecturer asks us to start up our blog. This would be the initiation process. I looked around through Google to find the perfect blog. And every blog publishing system (Like or would try to make an impression on me.

In the next stage, individuals ask questions of each other in order to gain information about them and decide if they wish to continue the relationship. "Many relationships progress no further than this point".

This is where I begin looking through FAQS (Frequently Asked QuestionS). The blog and I communicate through the only medium we know possible which is through the Internet browsers. We ask each other questions and after I know blogspot (I shall call blogspot 'she') can and I are alike, I start my blog.

Self-disclosure becomes more common in the intensifying stage. The relationship becomes less formal, the interactants begin to see each other as individuals, and statements are made about the level of commitment each has to the relationship.

When blogspot and I acknowledge each other, I start to be less formal with her. I begin to 'skin' her with the theme which suits me the most. I start putting in more application and she will suit my need.

The individuals become a pair in the integrating stage. They begin to do things together and, importantly, others come to see them as a pair. A shared relational identity starts to form in this stage.

I will start posting on her as well, and put pretty pictures there. We do things together and when people say 'LuckyNumberSe7en", they will indirectly know that it is related to me. We both are one.

During the bonding stage, a formal, sometimes legal, announcement of the relationship is made. Examples include a marriage, "best friend" ritual, or business partnership agreement. Few relationships reach this level.

Uh... I don't think I can be married with a blog but this stage is when I start posting posts filled with creamy information and makes tons of sense. I create a logo for the blog and place it there to show that it is officially mine.

Knapp's Relationship Termination Model

In this stage, partners begin to stress the "me" instead of the "we." In other words, the individuals begin to assert their independence. They may develop different hobbies or activities. The relationship may continue to dissolve, or this stage may be a warning sign that the couple needs to address their relationship status.

When I get more assignments for other classes, my interest in my blog begin to dissolve. I begin to concentrate on other studies as well and my blog feels jealous.

Communication between the couple diminishes during this stage. They tend to avoid certain topics of discussion. Outwardly, the couple appears normal. At this stage, attempts can be made to discuss the relationship and return it to a positive state.

When my post begin to become less interesting and more stale, blog feels unhappy about it as I tend to avoid certain topics or that it put less interest in my blog.

During the stagnating stage, the individuals avoid discussing the relationship because they think they know what the other will say. Others begin to take notice that something is wrong.

When I begin to post less frequently, people will notice there is a difference in styles and such. They will know something is wrong with my blog and I.

The pair begins to physically separate themselves during the avoiding stage. The individuals try to reduce the opportunities for discussion.

I try to avoid the blog and stop going to it. I remove its links from another other blogs/websites I have and when people talk about it, I deny everything.

This is the final stage of the relationship. Termination may come naturally, such as at the end of the semester when roommates move out, or arbitrarily, through divorce. Termination of the relationship can occur positively or negatively.

This is when I shut down the blog but I can't do that now because it is not only my blog.

The end.

That's how blog and I started and potentially end. Uh... It's just an analogy, I do not take my blog THAT seriously.

This post, which will not self-destruct, was written by,

PS: Seriously.

Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model and Knapp's Relationship Termination Model, online, retrieved 19 September 2008, from

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