Friday, September 26, 2008

I can SEEEEE you ; )

Author: Megan

Don't you just hate it when you're talking to a person and that person just won't look into your eyes? Or his eyes shifts around? It's just plain rude because you don't know if the other person is paying attention or if he understands you.
Well, i think eye contact is very important. It's important because it shows tells a person a lot about your personality,confidence and so on.The eyes are one of the most important tools for non verbal communication.Its a very important and effective tool for connecting with other people.And if i must say,possibly the cheapest way for connecting with other people.
However, the importance of eye contact differs based on cultures.In some cultures, eye contact shows honesty,sincerity and frankness.For example, North Americans view direct eye contact as honesty .Whereas, Asians view direct eye contact as a form of disrespect when communicating with a person elder than you.
To conclude, here are a tip to improve your eye contact skills:
When trying to attract someone*usually of the opposite sex ; ) * - If the person is talking to you and is usual your face as the focal point, look at their eyes while listening to whatever they're telling you and smile when appropriate.Smiling is a very good way of telling the other person you like them.hahahaha.Well if the person is telling you about his problems or about his sick mother ..please oh please don't smile at the person no matter how much you like him or her.
Lastly learn how to listen with your eyes and not just your ears.As in listen to someones body language with your eyes.
Two down...two more to go : (

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